Agriculture commercialization in western Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of History of Tehran University

2 Faculty of Tehran University


The purpose of this article is the conceptualization of the consequences of the commercialization phenomenon in western Iran. The main issue of the paper is the explanation of the effect of agriculture commercialization, which is being examined that, why and how this phenomenon occurs. The research approach is qualitative. Data was collected from the archives of library documents and resources, based on targeted sampling. The method of analysis is grounded theory. The findings show that the evolutionary process of commercialization of agriculture in western Iran during the middle Qajar period to the end of the Pahlavi, led to the collapse of the Islamic system, the collapse of the rural landlord and the development of urbanization. Similarly, the two-polarization of agriculture, the development of the poles of capitalist agriculture, along with the expertise of land-use knowledge and the rise in the value of individual labor and the mechanization of agriculture, were among the other consequences of commercialization of agriculture in western Iran. The dependence of Iran's economic system, the global climate of global domination, and the need for international markets, have led to the production of commercial products, along with a huge disparity in the cultivation of commercial products (such as opium and beet), compared with the cultivation of wheat and barley, were among the major factors in changing the pattern of cultivation and development and the development of commercial agriculture in western Iran.  


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