The rule of Aq Quiunlu approach to public opinion

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of History, Tabriz University

2 Associate Professor, Department of History, Tarbiat Modares University



Public opinion or attention to the masses has long been present in human history. although it was not until the Enlightenment and is not subject to scientific research. Despite the domination of kings and rulers over people's lives Undoubtedly, people have been one of the components of the ruling government under his rule that manner in which the importance of people in the field of politics is to the kind of position and approach that they have had for their rulers. During the second half of the fifteenth century Iran, Aq Quiunlu was ruled in western Iran and government organization to was organized Tribal form and administered. The rule of Aq-Qouyunlu, though most of the time, was a struggle between tribal leaders but he could not ignore the people and the socioeconomic conditions governing his community Because every government needs to know the right of its government to the ruling people to be accepted from them. This research, based on the descriptive-analytical method and the use of library resources, intends to examine the approach of the Government Aq Quiunlu to attract public opinion to establish popular acceptance. From the perspective of this study, Aq Quiunlu after the establishment of his government, especially in the era of the Osun Hasan One of the most important duties of the king was to restore justice to the people at the community level and to pay attention to their problems. Additionally, the government of Aq Quiunlu was drawing public attention to itself, the issue is to ease the flow of tax collection and reduce the economic and financial pressures and the subject of religion to provide grounds for the identification and acceptance of its government among the general public.


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