The Approach and the Insight of Mohammad Kazem Marvi in the Histography of Alam Araye Naderi

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Lecturer at Birjand University

2 Associate Professor of the History Department of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Member of faculty member of history group of Birjand University.


Paying attention to the historian's insight and method is necessary in the realm of historicism and historical critique. Insight and method are two unseparatable and related topics in historicism. The recognition of the historian and his historical work is the basis of knowing his time and understanding the historical texts in any era requires recognition of the elements of the method and insight governing the historical text.
The present paper is based on descriptive-analytical method to investigate Mohamnad Kazem Maravi's insight and method, the writer of Alam Araye Naderi. This work is one of the historical sources of the Afshari era. In the search for Marvoy's insight in Alam Araye Naderi, some effective tendencies, beliefs and desires of the historian have been addressed in several aspects of belief in appreciation, religious insight, elitism and critical insight. Also, important components in methodological discussion such as the analysis of the characteristics of the style, the resources used and some other factors have been analysed in this study. The achievements of this study show that the factors such as the social status and individual tendencies of the author, along with linguistic features, in the light of the circumstances and circumstances of the time have influenced the insight and historiographical method of the texts of this age in this work.


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