Muslims and Zoroastrians integration Fields of in the Fars(Buwayhid period447 -322)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 دانشیار گروه تاریخ دانشگاه تبریز

2 ستادیار گروه تاریخ و تمدن ملل اسلامی دانشگاه شهید مدنی آذربایجان


The gradual spread of Islam in the third century onward the Muslims formed majority population. Based on various sources, have lived peacefully and integration in Fars the Zoroastrian many Muslim residents of without a special distinguish. The peaceful relationship between along with integration between the two parties formed due, fields, and elements of some of factors. The Buyids politics of tolerance and maintaining the rights to along with the Zoroastrian and countered with Extremist groups. The last few opportunities for presence Zoroastrians in social arena providing. The governmentapproach to was reinforced respect the rights of religious orders well as dhimmis and the similarities in practices and ideas. But of Islam did not change much of Iranian culture and inherited and sustaining both groups had a common culture. They are a community, and this was due to the integration both sides. In this query we try to factors affecting the integration of the two groups in The Buyids era on library studies and a descriptive method an analysis and historical Clarifying the our approaches.


−    Bonner, Michael (2002), Jihad inIslamic History Doctrines and Practice, princetonuniversitypress, princeton and oxford.
−    Hornby, Albert Sydney (2001), »tolerance-toleration«, oxford advanced learner, sdictionary, oxford university press.