-Investigating the Activities of protestant Missionaries in Yazd During the Qajar Dynasty

Document Type : Research Paper




Following the formation of the Evangelical missionaries in the west, the church missionary society chose Isfahan as their base in Iran, relying on the British influence on the political structure of Iran. Upon determining their missionary boundaries with the Presbyterians, they decided to expand their territories to Yazd, Kerman and Shiraz. Iran Yazd was far from the volatile center of the country and had relative peace to warrant the presence and maintenance of Zoroastrians, Jewish and Bahai minorities. In the absence of Christian fellowmen, the church missionary society seized the opportunity to attract minorities, specially the Zoroastrians. To avoid arousing Muslims’ religious sensitivities, they carried out their missionary activities under the guise of health and education services. Enjoying the Britain and the central government political supports, they were quite successful until the constitution events. They tried to attract new converts by implementing different means such as establishing hospitals and schools and distributing relief donations among the poor. The present research is an attempt to investigate the activities of this society in attracting new converts through health and education establishments.


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