Examining the Poverty Alleviation Policies of the First Pahlavi Government Based on the Developmental State Theory (Case Study: Isfahan)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate in the History of Iran after Islam, University of Isfahan, Iran



Poverty, both a cause and effect of underdevelopment, was one of the main characteristics of the Qajar period, worsening with the occupation of the country during World War I. In such circumstances, society sought a leader who could establish unity, security, and development while addressing the underlying causes of backwardness. In response to these conditions, Reza Shah came to power and initiated modernization efforts. As part of these efforts, he implemented programs aimed at poverty alleviation, recognizing poverty as both a symptom and a contributing factor to underdevelopment. The objective of this study is to examine the poverty alleviation policies of the First Pahlavi government through the lens of the developmental state theory, with a particular focus on Isfahan. This research employs a descriptive-analytical approach, relying on archival documents and local publications. The findings indicate that, in pursuit of national development and modernization, the First Pahlavi government undertook several measures to combat poverty. These included providing shelter for the homeless, distributing financial aid, offering free meals, supplying clothing, and expanding access to free education and healthcare services. While these measures had some impact on reducing educational, health, and welfare-related poverty, the absence of a genuine commitment to social justice within the ruling system, coupled with the fall of the government following the re-occupation of the country during World War II, resulted in the continued prevalence of poverty.


Main Subjects

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