An Analysis on The Transformation of Women's Discourse Signs in Post-Constitutional Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member/University of Tabriz

2 M.A. in Social Sciences,



What were the contexts constituting the evolution of Iranian society's understanding of women's identity in the post-constitutional era, what is its importance for understanding the contemporary social situation and in what ways can it be understood and analyzed? The significations describing the female identity in Iran have changed with the introduction of modern ideas and institutions and the formation of the constitutionalism movement. It is important to narrate this evolution in terms of problem analysis and explanation of the status of women in contemporary Iranian society and to provide an analytical model for understanding the status of women. The goal of achieving such knowledge is to provide a theoretical and practical perspective for the correct understanding of women's issues in contemporary Iranian society and to provide a practical perspective for improving their situation. The discourse analysis method based on the analysis of power- truth relations in the representation of female identity and its consequences in terms of the role and position of women in the social structure that is being done with reference to reliable historical sources such as newspapers, diaries, travelogues, books and articles related to this course, is our selected method. While describing the contradictions between traditional and modern discourse about women and its importance in the Iranian society in transition, the article aims to problematize and explain the complex situation of women in the mental system and social structure of the Iranian society.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 26 June 2024
  • Receive Date: 09 December 2023
  • Revise Date: 02 March 2024
  • Accept Date: 24 June 2024