The \olicy of the First Pahlavi Government in Dealing with the Iranian Repatriates From the Soviet Union

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Imam Khomeini International University (RA) Qazvin

2 Ph.D Candidate in History, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research , Tehran

3 Ph.D Candidate in History at Imam Khomeini International University (RA), Qazvin,


Migration is one of the phenomena that has been familiar among Iranian society since the era of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar. The separation of the southern regions of the Caucasus from Iran as a result of the Iran-Russia wars caused these regions to find a different fate from the other regions of Iran and to be a destination for Iranian immigrants. The best of these immigrants were workers who went to these areas seasonally or permanently due to the existing conditions in Iran and better working conditions in these areas. The decline of the Qajar rule and the communist revolution in Russia led to a decrease in the level of these migrations, and migration turned into returning to Iran. In this research, we seek to examine the policy of the Pahlavi government regarding the return of Iranian nationals who immigrated from the Soviet Union to Iran. It seems that the pressures on Iranian nationals from the Soviet government, as well as the improvement of employment and livelihood situations in Iran, caused these immigrants to return to Iran again. Despite the problems caused by the return of these immigrants, the Pahlavi government provided the necessary platform for this. In this research, an explanatory-descriptive method is used in this research to find a suitable answer to this question as much as possible using documents and library resources


Main Subjects

  • کتاب‌ها

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    • بایگانی سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملی ایران، پرونده‌های 01381-310 / 108769-310 / 310-010747 / 310-013256 / 310-009808 / 310-013582 / 310-054180 / 310-108769.