Investigating distortion factors in oral memories (based on the published works of oral memoirs in Gilan, 1390-1400)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 assistant professor of islamic azad university khalkhal branch

2 PHD student of persian language and literature islamic azad university khalkhal branch

3 professor of faculty of literature university of tehran

4 assciate professor of islamic azad university rasht branch



Oral memories are one of the ways to access past events. But sometimes narrators of memory, media and power, etc. change the events to their advantage. According to this research, the distortion of oral memories is done in two individual and non-individual ways. In the individual part, including personal ideas, exaggerating or understating events, selectively expressing and hiding some memories, aging and forgetting, may distort the narrative. In the non-individual part, directing collective memories to unreality, forbidden subjects and topics, supporting special events, changing the context and context of society, and beautifying memories with the mechanism of literature are some of the factors that distort oral memories. which have been analyzed based on the books published in Gilan between 1391 and 1400. The authors are looking for an answer to this question; What factors cause memory distortion? The findings of the research show: since the activists and eyewitnesses of the events, their narratives are formed based on expediency, interests, way of thinking, etc., we often witness different narratives of the events. These differences can damage the credibility of the narration. Also, those in power and the media try to redefine the events in their favor. Therefore, in order to reach speeches close to reality, in addition to benefiting from multiple narratives, verification and validation, the use of archival documents can also play an important role in the representation of memories.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 24 October 2023
  • Receive Date: 02 June 2023
  • Revise Date: 08 October 2023
  • Accept Date: 24 October 2023