The Importance of "Mavaheb-e Elahi" in the Social History of Muzaffarids

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, AlZahra University, Tehran

2 PhD in History after Islam Payam Noor, Tehran


As the first and foremost source in the history of Muzaffarids , the book of "Mavaheb-e Elahi" is worked out by Moein Al-Din Yazdi who was a historian, jurist, narrator and also held an official position in this Post-Ilkhanid local government. Though including main political and military events in the territory of Muzaffarids (Kerman, Yazd and Fars in particular), this book also provides trivial but valuable information about the social and cultural issues related to the mentioned government. Since, lead to the formation of a broader viewpoint on the social situation of the turbulent and chaotic interregnum era between the fall of the Il-Khanid and the rise of the Timurid empire, the main goal of the present research is to examine the topics beyond the political-military issues mentioned in this book. This research is set out to represent social subjects and phenomena in "Mavaheb-e Elahi," employing a descriptive-analytical method based on the library resources, precise examination of the political events and wars covering the largest part of the book, extracting trivial social history data mixed with this information as well as focusing on direct and indirect hints mentioned by the author dealing with some issues related to social situations. The findings of the research indicate that in addition to write the official history of Al-e Muzaffar and owning historical, religious and political insights, Moein Al-Din Yazdi, has also paid attention to social issues and portrayed the situation of some social groups and peasantries. In line with this, the position and role of some groups including religious thinkers, Shiites, Sadat, Sufi sheikhs, court women, military and court officials as well as bandits have also been taken into account. Finally, there are also referrings to some social and civilizational phenomena such as famine, destruction, massacre, disease, architecture and music during the turbulent era of the 15th century A.D.


  • قرآن


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