Organization of the management system of country divisions in the first Pahlavi period 1304-1316.

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student of Iranian history after Islam, University Payam Noor of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, University Payam Noor of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor, University Payam Noor of Tehran


With the establishment of the Pahlavi government by Reza Shah in 1304 A.H. Various aspects of the government changed and found a new organization. The management system of the country's divisions was one of these dimensions, which received a new organization according to the nature of the new government. Therefore, this research is trying to answer the question by using the historical research method and archival documents, publications, and other historical sources, that the organization of the management system of country divisions in the first Pahlavi era before the drafting of the Law of Country Divisions in 1316 A.H. How was it done and what were its goals? The findings of the research show that the first Pahlavi government during a twelve-year process and before the drafting of the law of country divisions in 1316 AH. By establishing new regulations, changing the structure of the Ministry of Interior, changing the names of cities, annexing or separating cities, districts, and villages, and changing the executive elements of the country's divisions, he succeeded in organizing the management system of the country's divisions and making changes in that area to concentrate affairs in the country's capital and support for the government's modernist programs.


  • کتاب‌ها

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    • سالنامه آریان: 1316ش.

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