“Faghfori” bowl in the court of Ilkhan and Shah: The Impact of Trade and Transit of Blue and White Porcelain on the Development of Badal-Chini Utensil Industries in Mongol to Safavid Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz


The establishment of the Mongol Empire on the plains of Eurasia and the subsequent insecurities expanded the sea routes of the Indian Ocean. Because the sea routes was both safer and faster, cheaper, more cost-effective, and especially safer for the fragile porcelain bowls. Because there was no need for repeated loads in every house and in every caravanserai. The ports of Fujian Province were both producers of Chinese ceramics and exporters of their own pottery and other pottery kilns during the Mongol (Yuan) era, especially during the Ming Dynasty, producing a very delicate and strong blue and white vessel with The stunning "Khatai" designs became especially famous in the kilns of Long Chuan region. The resurgence of diplomatic relations between the Timurid and Safavid courts with the Ming dynasty and the resulting commercial propaganda, such as sending imperial (and finest, of the finest quality) "Faghfuri" porcelain as diplomatic gifts to the Iranian court, appealed to the court. As the most important sponsor and customer of works of art, he influenced the court and consequently the Iranian aristocracy as a regular and in-demand customer of these dishes. The present article In the field of interdisciplinary studies of art history and archeology seeks to study and analyze the evolution of blue and white Iranian porcelain pottery under the influence of imports of similar Chinese ceramics. And to study the spread of Iranian and Chinese motifs in the form of these vessels through transit to European decorative arts. The findings of the research indicate that the high price of these vessels and the long way to import them, as well as the stagnation of the domestic pottery market, led them to discover the secret of the production of these vessels. This led to imitation and even success in producing a similar dish but with native motifs and culture that became known as porcelain dishes.


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