An investigation of the Drought and Famine in the Northern Regions of the Persian Gulf and the Reactions to it (1317-1324)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Persian Gulf Studies, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr

2 Assistant Professor, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr

3 Associate Professor, Persian Gulf University Bushehr


Due to its geographical location, Iran has faced many droughts and famines throughout history. One of these cases was the widespread and pervasive drought and famine in the Northern regions of the Persian Gulf between the years 1317 and 1324. Despite several studies in this field, researchers have provided an incomplete picture of this crisis. This research seeks to investigate the reflection of this crisis in the Northern areas of the Persian Gulf, located in the seventh and eighth provinces, in the mentioned period and examine the actions taken against this crisis. This research has been carried out using a descriptive-analytical method and relying on the library sources, archival documents, publications and new local sources. The results show that this crisis has been significantly reflected in the publications of that period, government documents and diaries in the form of reports of severe food shortages, insecurity, widespread deaths and extensive migration. However, referring to the same sources shows that the central government could not play an effective role in controlling this drought and famine due to various factors. In this regard, asking for help from the allies to provide food was not very fruitful. However, in some cases, actions were taken by them. On the other hand, the role of part of the social strata of the areas involved in this crisis has been effective and significant in reducing the suffering of the people.


  • کتاب‌ها

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    • آرشیو سازمان اسناد ملی ایران: شناسه سند24546/240، سال 1312ش - شناسه سند21077/240، سال 1317ش. - شناسه سند62461/310، سال 1320ش. - شناسه سند22548/310، سال 1317ش. - شناسه سند43741/293، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند3535/310، سال 1323ش. - شناسه سند714/260، سال 1320ش. - شناسه سند2430/350، سال 1317ش. - شناسه سند15046/240، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند154/293، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند22909/310، سال 1319ش. - شناسه سند13232/240، سال 1320ش. - شناسه سند2658/310، سال 1320ش. - شناسه سند42741/293، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند1139/260، سال 1323ش. - شناسه سند2731/310، سال1321ش. - شناسه سند3390/310، سال 1322ش. - شناسه سند249/310، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند10280/310، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند10281/310، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند2760/310، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند2644/310، سال 1320ش. - شناسه سند45995/293، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند8313/310، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند3413/310، سال 1321ش. - شناسه سند12571/310، سال 1323ش.