Investigating the Causes of Tensions in Aqquyunlu's Relations with the Timurids during the Reign of Hassan Beig Turkman

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . PhD Student in History of Islamic Iran, University of Tabriz

2 Associate Professor, University of Tabriz


The Aqquyunlu and the Timurids had always good relations with each other before the emergence of Hassan Beig. The proclamation of the obedience of Qara Osman Beig to Amir Teymur led to friendly relations between the two governments. The Aqquyunlus acted mostly as subordinates of the Timurids and as their military arm in the Anatolian region. But with Hassan beig at the helm of Aqquyunlu's government, new relations emerged between the two states, and bilateral cooperation shifted from interaction to military confrontation. The main issue of this study is to examine why the nature of the relationship between the two governments of Timurid and Aqquyunlu changed during the reign of Hassan beig Turkman. What issues were effective in changing the friendly relations between the rule of the Aghquyunlus and the Timurids and the beginning of hostile relations during the reign of Hassan Beig? This research is an analytical and descriptive one using library resources. Findings show that the emergence of powerful rulers in the two governments, change in the foreign policy goals of the Aqquyunlu government and the disappearance of the Qaraqoyunlu government have played effective roles in changing relations between the two governments.


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    منابع خارجی

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