Khajeh Nasir al-Din Tusi, the Guide of the Mongol Ilkhans towards Iranian and Islamic Civilization (Based on the Writings of Khajeh Nasir)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Associate Professor, University of Tabriz

2 Assistant Professor Farhangian University, Tehran


From the time of the Mongol invasion of the Ismaili castles to the present day, one of the points of concern for many people has been the reason for Khajeh Nasir al-Din al-Tusi's collaboration with prominent Muslim scholars and non-Muslim Mongols. Many have accounted Khajeh’s political behavior during the rule of Ilkhanate as his hostility towards denominations and the Sunnis. Many others have known it as part of his opportunistic character and claimed that he has done so to achieve a certain political status. However, by carefully studying the works of Khajeh, one could find other logical and fundamental reasons for Khajeh’s behaviors that unfortunately have been mostly disregarded. By reading his works, many Islamic legal, historical, psychological, philosophical, and other kinds of reasons can be found that deserve paying attention. Khajeh’s prominent personality trait is related to philosophy and Kalaam (scholastic theology); hence, it only makes sense to seek the reason behind this collaboration in Khajeh’s frame of thought. Khajeh’s most important work in this area is Akhlaaq e Naasiri, in which the most important topic is Madina Faazila.


-       Tousi, Khajeh Muhammad Nasir al-Din. (1994). Akhlaaq e Naasiri. Edit. Mujtaba Minavi and Alireza Heydari. Tehran: Khaarazmi publications.
-       Tousi, Khajeh Muhammad Nasir al-Din. (1956). Fosool al-A’qayed. Gathered by Muhammad Taqi Danesh Pazhooh. Tehran: Tehran University.
-       Tousi, Khajeh Muhammad Nasir al-Din. (1998). Akhlaaq e Muhtashami. Edit. Muhammad Taqi Danesh Pazhooh. Tehran: Tehran University.
-       Tousi, Khajeh Muhammad Nasir al-Din. (1956). “The rites and traditions of old kings regarding taxes and its use”. The Collection of Letters. Tehran: Tehran University.
-       Tousi, Khajeh Muhammad Nasir al-Din. (1956). “Seyr o Solook”.The Collection of Letters. Tehran: Tehran University.