The Influence of the Centrality of Sultanieh on the Political and Religious Situation of Dargazin

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD in History of Kharazmi University of Tehran

2 . Associate Professor of Payame Noor University


Sultanieh has been one of the places which in Ilkhanid's period came to centrality and till many years after the downfall of Ilkhanids has been influential to its surrounding areas and has been influenced in return as well. One of such nearby areas which grew in light of the centrality and the political and economical importance of Sultanieh was in Dargazin to the west of Sultanieh. The economical and security needs of the capital, and the gaining support of the religious groups and scholars, have been three main factors in paying attention to the surrounding areas.The findings show that the necessity of ensuring the security of the capital and its economical needs, along with the geographical and political location of Dargazin, has played an important role on the interconnection of these two areas and the historical evolution of Dargazin. This study tries to benefit from the historical sources in order to examine the effect of Sultanieh centrality on the situation in Dargazin, and to determine the historical connection between the two cities in the political and social fields, and to explain some changes in this regard. This study is a library and source analysis research and the information is organized and analyzed after being collected.


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