Chinese Origins of Common Ministry in Ilkhanate Era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of History in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Instructor of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Requirement of each state is establishment of the Court after the formation and consolidation. Mongols had been nomadic people before the government was established by them. their knowledge was influenced by the cultures around them. Mongols was in Central Asia and in the neighborhood of civilized nations, including the Uyghurs and Kitan. This proximity and neighborhood created strings of connection between them in various formats. moreover Mongols standed in close neighborhood of great civilization of China and with present in Iran, the coordinates of Chinese civilization brought with them to Iran, specially joint common in administrative structure of Ilkhani. Thought there is the historical origins of joint common in Iran but it, but this harmony in the Ministry cohere the Chinese culture.
This article is intended to the originals of joint common in China and the channels of communication Iranian and Chinese civilization, including Kitan, Uyghurs and the Silk Road which are involved and partook in the transfer of joint common from China to Iran.


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